Reliance Plumbing Sewer & Drainage, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Glenview’

Corrosion, Rust, & Age: Are Your Pipes at Risk?

Monday, February 24th, 2025

The thought of repiping might make you feel nervous or overwhelmed. How could you possibly replace the plumbing pipes in your kitchen or bathroom, or in your whole house? But today’s plumbers can do it in a surprisingly smooth and straightforward way, and it’s certainly better than allowing your pipes to fall apart due to corrosion, rust, and age.

Are your pipes at risk of leaks and breaks? Could you suddenly end up with a very big plumbing emergency on your hands when something old or badly rusted falls apart? Do you need to consider repiping some or all of your home? Let’s consider plumbing materials, how they age, and how a plumber can assess the condition of your pipes.

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Valentine’s Day Tips for Glenview Customers

Monday, February 10th, 2025

Happy Valentine’s Day! How will you be spending it? Whisked away to Paris for the weekend? Hmm, perhaps that would be a bit much to ask. Might you be spending it at home, cooking for your beloved, or maybe making a meal together? That can be even more romantic than a fancy getaway. But not if your evening plans are interrupted by plumbing problems!

When you’re cooking a special meal for a holiday or special occasion, you’re likely to do things that put extra strain on your plumbing. (This is why the #1 busiest day for plumbers in the US is the day after Thanksgiving!) What should you do to make sure you can enjoy your romantic dinner in peace rather than running around looking for a plunger? Here are our tips.

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Upgrading to a Tankless Water Heater: Pros and Cons

Monday, January 27th, 2025

For a moment there, it seemed like tankless water heaters were the undisputed wave of the future. They were what everyone was getting when it was time to replace their water heater systems. But is a tankless system always an upgrade from a tank water heater? What are the pros? Are there cons, too? Let’s dig into the facts.

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Video Pipe Inspection: The Perfect Place to Start

Monday, January 13th, 2025

For anyone with questions or concerns about their home’s plumbing, just the thought of trying to figure out what’s going on in there can be overwhelming! If you have an older home, or just purchased a home, you probably don’t have very much information about the piping. And if you’ve noticed anything worrisome, you’ll definitely want to get to the bottom of it!

We believe that the more information homeowners have about the various systems in their homes, the happier they’ll be! The more you know, the less often you’ll encounter unpleasant surprises. So how can you find out what’s going on inside your home’s plumbing? Video pipe inspection is an amazing modern approach. We’ll tell you all about it.

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The Dos and Don’ts of Holiday Plumbing

Monday, December 16th, 2024

This time of year can be joyous, but it can also be stressful. And it’s not just you feeling that strain! Your plumbing experiences a lot of extra challenges during the holidays. How can you take some of the pressure off your plumbing during the holidays? Here’s a list of dos and don’ts to help get your plumbing through the season. 

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Prepare for Fall With Plumbing Maintenance

Monday, October 7th, 2024

What a gorgeous time of year! The leaves are changing, the breezes are fresh and crisp, and autumn festivities are approaching. But while you’re enjoying the weather and the seasonal activities, don’t forget that winter won’t be far behind. You don’t want to be caught unprepared.

Your autumn to-do list might include things like bringing the box of hats and mittens out of storage, or changing the screen out for a storm door. But it should also include home maintenance. Your plumbing system will be in much better shape for fall and winter if you get an inspection and routine maintenance done by a qualified plumber. Here’s why.

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Sounds You Don’t Want to Hear from Your Plumbing

Monday, September 9th, 2024

Many things in your home make noise. In fact, if you put on noise-canceling headphones, you might be shocked at just how “loud” the silence seems. You’re accustomed to hearing the heat or AC, the water heater or dishwasher, laundry in the washer or dryer, or just the sounds of the house settling or creaking. Most of this noise is normal and fine. But noises can also signal that there’s a problem.

Just like with your car, many of the systems in your home make noises during regular operation, but make different noises that indicate that something is wrong. Whether it’s your car or your air conditioner, if it’s clunking or banging, you’ve got a problem. Your home’s plumbing can make odd noises, too. What plumbing sounds mean that it’s time to get help from a plumber? Here’s a list for you.

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How Much Water Can a Plumbing Leak Waste?

Monday, August 26th, 2024

It’s easy to see that a sudden, gushing leak or a badly burst pipe is wasting an enormous amount of water. The thing that might not have occurred to you is that those leaks get fixed immediately—because they truly are emergencies—but slow leaks can go on for a long time. At first, they might not be noticed. Then, homeowners might not think it’s urgent to deal with them. 

Months or years could go by, with a slow leak just gradually dripping away. But if it’s just drips, it can’t be much water, can it? Is it really urgent to have slow plumbing leaks fixed promptly? How much water can a plumbing leak waste? We’ve got some information that might surprise you.

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7 Signs You Need A Water Leak Detection Test 

Monday, May 20th, 2024
7 Signs You Need A Water Leak Detection Test

Water leaks in your plumbing can lead to various issues, from structural damage to mold growth. Detecting leaks early can save you from costly repairs and water wastage. Here are seven signs that indicate your Glenview home needs a water leak detection test.

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Sewage Pump vs. Sump Pump: What’s the Difference?

Monday, February 26th, 2024

You probably have heard about sump pumps and sewage pumps. In fact, your home may have one or the other or both. We’ve discovered that there’s often confusion in people’s minds when it comes to sewage pump vs. sump pump. Are they really the same thing, and if they’re different, what jobs do they do? The most important question: Do you need them? 

We’ll look into these questions in this blog post. However, the best way to get an answer to the last question is to talk to our professional plumbers. We have extensive experience with all types of plumbing installations for both homes and businesses.

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