Reliance Plumbing Sewer & Drainage, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Water Hammer’

It’s Not a Ghost! The Truth About the Hammering in Your Pipes

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Houses make noise. They may creak and groan as they settle. Appliances turn themselves on and off. Perhaps mice scuttle in the walls. But if you’re hearing a sudden hammering sound, it can be very startling! Don’t worry, your house isn’t haunted. But if a ghost isn’t knocking around, banging into your plumbing, what could that terrible sound be?

This sound is caused by a serious plumbing problem. It’s called water hammer, and if you’re hearing it, you need a plumber. What’s going on in your pipes to make that sound? We’ll tell you all about it.

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The Effects of Water Hammer on Your Plumbing

Monday, February 12th, 2024

You hear a sudden clang coming from the walls of your home, like a hammer striking metal. It’s not a ghost… it’s the plumbing. The sound you’re hearing is the result of water hammer, which occurs when there are no air cushions in the pipes to absorb the shock wave that occurs when water suddenly stops moving because a tap is shut off.

The name “water hammer” sounds intimidating. Is water hammer dangerous in Glenview? Is it bad for your pipes? We can ease your mind about the “dangerous” part: water hammer isn’t something that poses a physical threat to you or your family’s health. As for whether it’s bad for the pipes—that’s a definite yes. In fact, water hammer has several deleterious effects on plumbing, which is why we encourage you to call for our professional plumbers to look into water hammer in your home as soon as you begin to notice it.

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Why You’re Hearing Weird Noises From Your Plumbing

Monday, July 17th, 2023

You shut off a faucet in your house one day, and instead of hearing quiet right afterwards, there’s instead a strange clang or bang noise. It might even be loud enough to cause you to jump.

This isn’t a one-time occurrence, either. You start to hear this banging sound from the plumbing more and more often. Everything else about your plumbing seems to be working fine—so what’s happening, and is it something you need to worry about?

What you’re experiencing with your plumbing is common enough that it has its own name: water hammer. As plumbers, we’ve often dealt with water hammer in Glenview, IL and our other service areas, so we can tell you what’s going on.

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Do Knocking Pipes Spell Trouble?

Monday, August 17th, 2020

Let’s get straight to it–no, knocking pipes don’t automatically spell trouble. But they certainly can lead to problems if you just ignore them. And knocking pipes are easy to ignore at first. Sure, it’s a little alarming the first time you hear it, but it’s not that loud, and it’s easy to get used to.

Please don’t let yourself get used to it though! It could very well lead to plumbing problems which is the least thing any homeowner wants. Read on to learn more!

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