Reliance Plumbing Sewer & Drainage, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Winnetka’

Wait! Don’t Put That Down Your Garbage Disposal!

Monday, June 17th, 2024

It’s incredibly handy to have a garbage disposal in your kitchen sink. It makes cleanup so much easier, especially if you have a large family or frequently host guests. And it can cut down on unpleasant odors from your trash can, since it won’t be full of decomposing food. So you want to take excellent care of that disposal, and keep it in good condition for as long as possible.

The most critical thing you can do is to make sure the disposal doesn’t get damaged by items that shouldn’t have gone down the sink at all. This means knowing exactly what should go down the disposal and—most importantly—what shouldn’t. How can you tell? Consult this handy list!

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Signs You Need Sewer Lining for Your Home

Monday, February 27th, 2023

You don’t like to think about the sewer line that carries waste from your home out to the municipal sewer system. Why would you? It’s not a pleasant subject. Most of the time it won’t even cross your mind.

Unfortunately, sometimes it needs to come onto your radar, because sewer lines aren’t indestructible. They age and can suffer from damage that will lead to leaking and clogs. A damaged sewer line is a nasty problem that can bring your life to a halt and make your home temporarily uninhabitable. 

The good news is that you have expert plumbers who can repair sewer lines and even replace them entirely with sewer lining Winnetka, IL. This process doesn’t require ripping open your yard and spending a few days fixing the trouble. We can do the work with trenchless technology, which is fast, effective, and leaves your property virtually untouched.

But first, you have to know you’ve got sewer line problems starting. Catching trouble early is the key to stopping a sewage fiasco. Below are some of the signs to call us for sewer lining service.

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Common Plumbing Question: “What’s the Curve in the Pipe Below the Drain For?”

Monday, December 19th, 2022

If you’re looking for the best plumbing information from a skilled plumber in Winnetka, IL, you’ve come to the right people. Today, we’re going to look at a common questions people have about the plumbing in their home:

Why does the drainpipe under the sink have a curve in it?

Maybe you haven’t asked this out loud, but the thought has probably crossed your mind if you don’t already know the answer. We’ll explain in this post the important purpose of the drainpipe’s shape, as well as some problems you may run into with it.

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Meet the Two Types of Hybrid Water Heaters

Monday, November 7th, 2022

Today people often associate the word hybrid with hybrid electric cars that combine a combustion engine with electrical power. Hybrid is also a description for a type of water heater. Two types, actually, both of which offer specific benefits for homes. Not every home is suited for one of these hybrid water heaters, but we strongly recommend customers who are looking into water heaters in Winnetka, IL for a new installation consider the possibility of installing one.

Ah, but which one? Let’s look closer at the two water heaters that fall under the “hybrid” name.

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Common Bathroom Plumbing Troubles You’ll Need Help With

Monday, July 4th, 2022

Modern bathroomBathrooms contain the highest concentration of plumbing pipes and fixtures in a house. Consider how much is compressed into this space: a sink, a faucet, a toilet, a bathtub or shower (sometimes both), supply lines for the fixtures and multiple drainpipes to remove wastewater. Bathroom plumbing can run into a range of issues, and you won’t be able to DIY most of them. They’ll require the knowledge and tools of professionals.

Below are a few of the most common troubles you may run into with the plumbing in your bathroom that will probably require a plumber in Winnetka, IL to correctly repair.

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Why Does My Dishwasher Smell?

Monday, February 28th, 2022

girl-pinching-noseThe job of your dishwasher is to make keeping clean easy—specifically, cleaning your dishes. A dishwasher is not only a time-saving device, it can also help reduce water consumption compared to hand-washing dishes. Dishwashers also use hotter water for cleaning than you can get out of your sink faucet, which more effectively kills off bacteria and gives the dishes a deep cleaning that makes them safer to use as well as more pleasant smelling.

So a dishwasher that doesn’t smell nice … that’s going against expectations. Unfortunately, dishwasher odors are a problem that can often strike kitchen plumbing in Winnetka, IL and in some cases may require professional cleaning or even a replacement.

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Pinhole Leaks: A Sneaky Plumbing Problem

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

bursted copper pipe with water leaking out, 3d illustrationLocating hidden leaks in homes is an important part of our job as professional plumbers. Because so much of the piping in a house is hidden in walls and ceilings, leaks often escape detection for long stretches—sometimes until they start to cause damage to parts of the house. 

And no type of hidden leak is harder to notice at first than pinhole leaks. The name can give you an idea why these are tricky to find: they’re extremely small. But small leaks are still major problems, especially if they escape notice for long enough. 

There’s more to pinhole leaks, and we’ll go over the details below. If you suspect any type of plumbing leak in your house, call us for pipe repair in Winnetka, IL.

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How to Avoid This #1 Winter Plumbing Emergency

Monday, September 14th, 2020

It may seem really odd to already be talking about winter. After all, summer hasn’t even officially ended, and cooler temperatures haven’t quite steadied out yet. Still though, even if you’ve lived in our area for only a year, you know just how chilly, and unpredictable, lower temperatures and associated weather can be. So it’s important that your home is ready!
How do we propose you do that? Well, start by looking at your plumbing. Burst pipes are among the most common reasons we get Winnetka, IL emergency plumbing calls. And they’re caused by frozen pipes. Fortunately, this can be prevented. Read on to learn more.

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Is Your Home Well-Equipped Against Heavy Rains?

Monday, August 31st, 2020

heavy-rain-floodingWe often have surprise storm activity in Chicago, and the fall rainy season is approaching. That means we are in prep time: do you know if your home is equipped to handle the heavy rains of the coming season? We can help you find out what you need to do about your plumbing in Winnetka, IL, drainage systems, yard drainage, sump pumps, and more to ensure you won’t have to deal with expensive damage during the rainy season.

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Do Knocking Pipes Spell Trouble?

Monday, August 17th, 2020

Let’s get straight to it–no, knocking pipes don’t automatically spell trouble. But they certainly can lead to problems if you just ignore them. And knocking pipes are easy to ignore at first. Sure, it’s a little alarming the first time you hear it, but it’s not that loud, and it’s easy to get used to.

Please don’t let yourself get used to it though! It could very well lead to plumbing problems which is the least thing any homeowner wants. Read on to learn more!

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